What is aging?

Aging is a complex process in which the body undergoes degenerative changes in systemic functions over time, as more and more evidence shows:

1/Protecting the Fountain of Youth: Starting with Free Radical Scavenging


Free radicals are generated at any time during the body's life activities and metabolic processes. These free radicals are unstable and will react with proteins, lipids, DNA and other biomolecules in an oxidative manner, thereby damaging their structures. This oxidative reaction leads to DNA damage, which is the main cause of aging. Under normal circumstances, the body produces antioxidants to scavenge excess free radicals in order to maintain the stability of the body's internal environment. However, as we age, the level of antioxidant production gradually decreases, and the scavenging ability of free radicals is weakened, resulting in visible signs of aging in the body. Exogenous supplementation of antioxidants can enhance the body's antioxidant capacity and reduce the damage of free radicals to DNA, thereby slowing down the aging process.

2/ Repairing DNA damage: a new way to extend healthy longevity

DNA damage is an important cause of aging, if DNA damage is not repaired in time or is incorrectly repaired, it will lead to the generation of mutations, inducing cellular senescence or apoptosis, which in turn will cause the degradation of organisational functions and ultimately lead to accelerated aging of the organism. DNA repair is a defensive mechanism that organisms have evolved to resist the accumulation of DNA damage, which is the key to slowing down the aging process.

What is NMN?

NMN as β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, exists in some fruits, vegetables and poultry. It is a molecule naturally occurring in all life forms and can be transformed into a significant coenzyme NAD+ within cells, which is important to human metabolism. Research shows that NAD+ levels in the body will decrease with age, and it is believed that exogenous supplementation of NMN enhances the function of human cell.

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What is Coenzyme Q10?

CoenzymeQ10, also known as vitamin Q, is a naturally occurring compound that is widely distributed in animals and humans. It is not only able to scavenge free radicals and improve immunity, but also protects and improves the function of the liver, brain, heart and nervous system, and plays an important role in the energy metabolism of the mitochondria. It has been praised by Nobel Prize winner Karl Bauerlein as an "all-purpose nutrient", and is used in a variety of fields such as dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The total content of coenzyme Q10 in human body is about 110~115g, including oxidized and reduced forms, of which the reduced form accounts for more than 95%. It is found that the absorption and utilization of reduced form of coenzyme Q10 is about 4~8 times higher than that of oxidized form of coenzyme Q10, therefore, coenzyme Q10 supplements are mainly in reduced form.

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What is PQQ?

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PQQ (pyrroloquinolinequinone) is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as a cofactor for redox enzymes and participates in respiratory chain electron transport.
PQQ is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as a cofactor for oxidoreductase and participates in electron transport in the respiratory chain. It promotes mitochondrial growth and development, scavenges free radicals, reduces cellular oxidative damage, and is effective in anti-inflammatory, brain health, immune enhancement, cardiovascular health, and anti-fatigue.

PQQ exists in plant and animal food, but animals and human beings cannot synthesize PQQ by themselves or the amount of synthesis is very small, so they cannot meet their own needs, and they must obtain PQQ from food or dietary supplements. With the in-depth research of PQQ and its application in food, the effect and safety have been proved, and PQQ has been approved by FDA of the United States and the Food Safety China has approved it as a new food ingredient, which has been applied in  approved as a safe dietary supplement by US FDA and EU Food Safety  been applied in the fields of general food and dietary supplements.

Administration of the European Union as a kind of safe dietary supplement, and

          the field of ordinary food and dietary supplements. PQQ has been

    Agency, and also approved as a new food ingredient in China, and has.

Innovative Technology in Anti-aging

NAD+ declines with age


NAD+ , nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (coenzyme I),is an 

important substance to keep the human body functioning. It 

exists in all cells and participates in thousands of physiological  reactions in the human body. The level of NAD+ starts  decreasing in the 30s. When a person reaches the 60s, the level of NAD+ is less than a quarter compared with young people,  which means the efficiency of metabolism decreases at the  same time; aging-related health conditions appear. NMN is the 

ideal supplement to restore NAD+.


Coenzyme Q10 levels decline with age


Clinical studies have shown that the amount of CoQ10 in the human heart reaches its peak around the age of 20, and then continues to decline with age, with the amount of CoQ10 in the body at the age of 40 being only 70% of what it was at the age of 20. When the body's CoQ10 level drops by 25 per cent, it can lead to the development of many diseases. One of the hallmarks of aging is a decline in the energy metabolism of cells and tissues, especially the liver, heart and skeletal muscle. Coenzyme Q10 can promote mitochondrial energy metabolism, scavenge free radicals, enhance cellular vitality, and slow down the aging process.

Safety of NMN&Coenzyme Q10

Natural and Endogenous Substance.

NMN: Hundreds of scientific research results have been published.
Coenzyme Q10: Hundreds of Clinical Trials Proved.

NMN:Anti-Radiation For Astronauts.

Coenzyme Q10: authoritatively recognised by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The Ingredients of NMN Approved By Japanese Government.

Coenzyme Q10: China and EU approved, safe and legal.


內源性物質 天然存在

內源性物質 天然存在





雙盲測試 臨床檢驗







基於NMN的DNA修復能力,NASA(美國宇航局)將其用於保護宇航員免受宇宙射線的傷害,以及長期漂浮狀態導致的肌肉萎縮。NMN獲得NASA 2016年iTech Top 10。


日本許可 合法成分

日本許可 合法成分




The Anti-Aging Mechanism of NMN & Coenzyme Q10